Apology Email To Professor

  • Post category:Office Email Samples
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 29, 2021

Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology to Professor

Dear Professor,

I am sorry for turning in my assignment late. I was feeling sick and had a lot of work at my job. I am sorry that I caused you any inconvenience with this. I will try to be more responsible in the future and work on time so you don’t have to worry about me anymore.

I hope we can still be friends and please accept my apology.

Thank You

Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology email to professor

Hi Professor {name},

I am sorry for cheating on the exam. I know it was wrong and I regret it. I don’t want this to affect my grade in the class. Can you please overlook this incident and not take any further actions?

Thank you,


Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology Letter

Dear Professor,

I am sorry for not handing in my work on time. I had some family emergency and didn’t get to finish it. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. I will make sure that I hand in all my assignments on time in future.

My sincere apologies,



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