Request For Work From Home Sample Email

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  • Reading time:12 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 16, 2023

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 1

Subject: Request for work from home due to illness

Hi {recipient name}

I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out since I’m not feeling well and need to take some time off. I want to ensure that my absence will not put any demands on the company, which is why I am requesting work-from-home accommodations.

I am confident that this won’t be an issue, and will do all that is necessary to get back on my feet as soon as possible.

Thanks for understanding, and please let me know if you have any questions!

Best regards,

{sender name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 2

Subject: Request for work from home position

Dear {manager name},

I hope you are well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of working from home as I have been diagnosed with cancer and my doctors have recommended that I should not work outside of the house for the next few months.

I am an excellent employee and would be willing to make up any hours that I might miss due to my condition in order to maintain my current employment status. You can contact me at {phone number} for more clarification.

Thank you,

{employee name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 3

Subject: Work from home request due to illness

Hi {recipient name},

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to ask for a work from home request for the next few weeks, as I am not feeling well. I am available for any other type of work, but would like to avoid the office at this time.


{sender name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 4

Subject: Work from home, request due to illness

Hi {recipient name},

I’m writing to ask if there are any work from home positions available in your company? I am currently recovering from a long-term illness and am looking for a position that I can work remotely.

I have been a {insert position} at {company name} for {insert length of time}. I would love the opportunity to come back and help out again.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


{sender name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 5

Subject: {insert your name}


I am writing to you in regards to the work from home opportunity you have available. I am interested in applying for the position as I am currently dealing with a serious illness and can no longer work outside of my home.

I hope that this will not be an issue and would like to hear back from you about any available openings or next steps.


{insert your name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 6

Subject: Hi {recipient name}

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing well and had a lovely Thanksgiving. I was actually thinking about you the other day and I wanted to ask if you still need help with your office work. I’m sorry for the late email, but I’ve been sick for a few days and am finally starting to feel better.

My mom is also an office manager, so I have some experience with Excel, Word, and PowerPoint – just not as much as when I was at my old company. If you’re still hiring for that part-time position for someone to work from home, please let me know!

Take care,

{Sender Name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 7

Subject: Hi {recipient name}

Hi {recipient name},

I’m writing to you today because I’m feeling unwell and need to work from home for a while. I really appreciate that work has been understanding and willing to accommodate my needs.

I wanted to check with you if there might be any part-time positions available – just in case I need a little extra income, I would be happy to take on some more hours from home.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this! Hope you have a great day!


Request For Work From Home Sample Email 8

Subject: Flexibility

Hi {recipient name}

I hope you are doing well. My son is currently very ill in hospital and I need some flexibility within my work hours. I am looking to work from home on Mondays and Fridays from 8am-5pm, is this something you could offer?

Thank you,

{sender name}

Request For Work From Home Sample Email 9

Subject: Working from Home Request

Hello {recipient name},

I am writing to request working from home for the next few weeks due to illness. I have attached a doctor’s note for your reference.

Thank you,

{sender name}


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