Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 1

Subject: RE: Letter of Recommendation

Dear {Prof. Name},

I hope you’re doing well and enjoying your summer. I just wanted to reach out to see if you would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation for grad school admissions. I just found out that my grades were not high enough for me to get into my top choice schools and this will be my last chance. Please let me know what you think, thank you so much!


{recipient name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 2

Hello {Professor Name},

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to ask if you would write me a letter of recommendation for my graduate school application. I have thoroughly enjoyed your class and have learned a lot from your lectures. I know that you will be able to speak about my strengths as a student and why I would be an excellent candidate for graduate school.

Please let me know what information will be required to complete the letter of recommendation.

Thank you,

{Student Name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 3

Subject: Letter of Recommendation

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to ask if you would be able to write me a letter of recommendation for the graduate school of my choice. I have attached my resume, and the program I am applying for below.

I would really appreciate your time and effort in completing this request, thank you!


{sender name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 4

Subject: Request for letter of recommendation

Hi {name},

This is {your name} from your “Advanced Macroeconomics” class. I wanted to reach out about a letter of recommendation for grad school. I have an interview next week and I was hoping you could give me some feedback on my strengths as a student.

I am looking forward to hearing back from you!

Best, {your name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 5

Subject: Request for a letter of recommendation

Dear Professor ___________,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to ask you for a letter of recommendation for a graduate school application. I would really appreciate your support in this process.

I studied {course} with you and found your teaching methods to be insightful and engaging. Your course challenged me to think more critically about the world around us, which was immensely valuable in my journey towards understanding the world better.

Thank you for all of your support over the years, I am very grateful to have had you as my professor!

Many thanks,

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 6

Subject: Request for letter of recommendation

Dear Professor,

Would you be available to write a letter of recommendation for me? I am applying to graduate school and would love the opportunity to apply with your letter.

I have been a student of yours since January and I have thoroughly enjoyed the topics we have covered in class. I think it would be an honor if you could write me a letter of recommendation.

Thank you,


Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 7

Hi Professor

Thanks for taking the time to consider my request. I’m applying for a job and would be honored if you could provide a letter of recommendation on my behalf. I wanted to tell you about my academic journey at {institution} and all the ways your teachings helped me grow as a student and person.

Please let me know if you’re available to write this letter.

Thank you,

{student name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 8

Subject: Request for letter of recommendation

Dear Professor {name},

I am writing to you today to request a letter of recommendation for graduate school. I am a student at {school name} and I have been your student since September 2017.

In my time with you, I have learned so much about the course material and developed my skills in writing. I always enjoyed our discussions and appreciated the feedback you always gave me.

I think you would be an excellent person to recommend me to graduate school because of your expertise in this field and your understanding of my abilities as a writer.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

I hope to hear from you soon!

{Sender name}

Sample Email Asking For Letter Of Recommendation 9

Subject: Letter of recommendation

Hi {name},

I hope you are well. I am an international student, and I am applying to a university in Canada for admission. I was wondering if you would be able to write me a letter of recommendation for my application.

Thank you for considering my request and I really appreciate your time.




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