10 Best Gentle Reminder Email Templets

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  • Reading time:11 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 24, 2024

Gentle Reminder Email is one of the most popular ways to communicate with customers. One type of email that is often used by companies is the gentle reminder email. These emails are sent to customers who have not completed an action requested in an earlier message.

A gentle reminder email can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

– Reminding someone about a payment due date or an upcoming event.

– Encouraging someone to complete a purchase or take some other desired action.

– Asking someone to review and provide feedback on a product or service they have been using.

– Asking someone to provide additional information that was requested in a previous message.

– Asking someone if they would like to unsubscribe from future messages etc.

It should not be too demanding and should not have any negative connotations.

The email should be polite and professional in tone and it should also have greeting like “Hi” or “Dear Customer”. The tone of this type of email should be friendly, helpful, and polite. It should not be too pushy or demanding because it could lead to the recipient feeling pressured.

Below are some of the examples of gentle reminder emails.

Gentle Reminder Email Template 1

Subject: Yearly Renewal

Hi {recipient name},

This is just a gentle reminder that your yearly renewal is coming up. If you want to renew for another year, please click the button below to renew your subscription.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.


{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 2

Subject: Last chance to get 20% off

Hey {recipient name},

Happy Monday! We hope you’re enjoying your day so far.

We’re sending out this email as a gentle reminder that you only have 2 days left to take advantage of our 20% off deal. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save a little bit of cash and grow your business!

Just click the link below and enter your email address to claim your discount today.

Promo code: {promo code}


{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 3

Subject: A quick update

Hi {recipient name},

It’s been a while since we last spoke, but I just wanted to send you a quick update on your account.

We have noticed that your most recent campaign has not been performing well. We’ve sent you an email with some tips for improvement, please take a look and get in touch if you need any help.

We’re here for you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything else we can do.


{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 4

Subject: {product name}

Hello {recipient name},

Just a quick reminder that your account is set to expire soon. Please update your details to avoid any disruptions.

Thank you,

{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 5


Hi {recipient name},

We noticed that you haven’t logged in to your account in a while. We hope you’re doing well and just wanted to remind you that we’re here if you need anything!

Take care,

{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 6

Subject: It’s been a while

Hey {recipient name},

It’s been {amount of time} since you last logged in to your account. Have you got any questions on our services? Do you need some help with anything?

Just let us know, we’re here to help.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Gentle Reminder Email Template 7

Subject: {product name} – You haven’t checked in for a while!

Hi {recipient name},

It’s been a while since you last logged in, and we just wanted to check in with you. If you need any help with our product, don’t hesitate to reach out!


{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 8

Subject: Your Time is Running Out

Dear {recipient name},

We hope you’re enjoying {product or service} so far. We just wanted to give you a gentle reminder that your trial period is about to expire.

If you haven’t already, please create your account and purchase a plan before the trial ends.

Thank you,

{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 9

Subject: {Product name} Account Info

Hi there,

Just wanted to check in and see how your {product name} account is going? I haven’t seen any activity from you in the last few days, just wanted to make sure you’re still using your account.

If you need help with anything, feel free to reply back – we’re here to help!

Thank you,

{sender name}

Gentle Reminder Email Template 10

Subject: {product name} – Reminder

Hi {recipient name},

Just a quick reminder that we have the following upcoming events this week: Tuesday, February 4th at 6 pm EST, we’ll be live on Facebook to answer your questions about {product name}. You can also ask us questions in advance here.

Wednesday, February 5th at 11 am EST, we’ll be conducting a webinar on how to use our online services for a higher conversion rate. You can register here.

Thursday, February 6th at 8 am EST, we’ll be conducting a webinar on how to use our content marketing software to generate more leads and conversions. You can register here.

Thank you,

{sender name}


It is important for an email template to be effective. It needs to be written in a way that will convert the reader into a customer.

For more information on email templates, please see About us section of this website.

Do you have any suggestions for us? We would love to hear from you! Contact Us.

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