Work-from-home opportunity

  • Post category:Office Email Samples
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:9 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 16, 2023

Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Work-from-home opportunity

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you are doing well! I’m writing to see if there are any opportunities for me to work from home. I am looking for a position that will allow me to work remotely and be self-employed.

I am an experienced web designer and developer with over 8 years of experience in the field. I have built websites for small businesses, government agencies, and churches. Some of my clients include {list clients}. I specialize in building responsive WordPress sites using Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress themes, and plugins.

Please let me know if you have an open position or know someone who does. Thank you!


{sender name}

Email Template 2 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Working from home

Hi {recipient},

I wanted to reach out and see if you had any interest in working from home. {company} is looking for a new {position} and I thought of you when I saw the requirements. We’re looking for someone with your skills and we know you’ll be a perfect fit.

I would love to talk more about this opportunity with you, so please let me know if you’re interested in hearing more!

Best, {sender name}

Email Template 3 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: {Name}


I hope you are doing well. I have an urgent request to work from home for the month of December. I am looking for work in marketing or sales and have heard that you are hiring. I am willing to take the opportunity to help your company grow while helping myself grow too.

Regards, {Name}

Email Template 4 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Are you looking for work?

Hi {recipient name},

I hope this email finds you well. I am contacting you on behalf of {company} because I believe we have something great to offer you! We are looking for work-from-home agents who are motivated, self-driven, and want to earn money on their own schedule. Would this sound like something that would interest you?

We offer flexible hours, where you can work as little or as much as is right for you. We also provide training and support so that you feel confident in your new role.


{sender name}

Email Template 5 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Work from home?

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing well! I saw your listing for a work from home job and I’m wondering if it’s still available?

I’m a {type of person} with a {type of degree} from {school name} and I’m looking for a work from home opportunity as an independent contractor. I’d love to hear more about the role and see if it would be a fit.

You can learn more about me here.

Would you have any time to chat soon? Please let me know!


{sender name}

Email Template 6 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Remote work request

Hello {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing well. I am looking for a remote position and your company seems like a great fit.

I’m confident that I can be a valuable asset to your team. I have experience with {insert relevant experience} and am available to start as soon as possible.

I look forward to speaking with you further.

Best, {sender name}


Emails are the most used forms of communication. With these free email template blog, you can save time and focus on the message that you want to convey. The templates in this post will help you with your email communication. All of them are free for use and cover a variety of purposes from general introductions to announcing a new product launch. They are a great time and energy saver. They can be used for both personal and business-related emails. All you need to do is type in your information and hit send. The templates can vary from a brief thank you email to a long detailed message. You can also decide if you want it to be formal or informal, depending on the situation. The templates that we have written here will help you save time when writing emails. You can use them in your current email correspondence or for future reference. The free email templates are pre-written messages that will help you in email correspondence. These messages can be used when discussing topics such as why you did not make it to an appointment, thanking someone for their help, or offering feedback on a design project etc. We have picked some email templates that are worth checking out (e.g Review Request Email, Apology Email To A Friend, Quotation Request Email, Entry Level Cover Letter, etc).

For more information on email templates, please see About us section of this website.

Do you have any suggestions for us? We would love to hear from you! Contact Us.

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