Review Request Email

  • Post category:Office Email Samples
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 16, 2023

Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: {company name} review request

Hi {recipient name},

I hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to reach out and ask you a few questions about your experience with our company. I’m looking for feedback on how we’ve been doing and whether or not there’s anything we can do better.

If you have the time, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. It would really mean a lot to hear from you!

1) In your opinion, what is the best thing about our company? 2) What is your favorite feature? 3) How would you rate our customer service? 4) Would you recommend our company to a friend or colleague?


Email Template 2 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: {product name} review request

Hi {recipient name},

Your email address was submitted to us by {source of submission} on {date of submission}. We would love to publish your review of our product on our website. We appreciate your time and input!

{review content}


Email Template 3 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: {product name}

Hi {recipient name}

We’ve noticed that you are very enthusiastic about our product! Here is our comprehensive review request form. We would love to know what you think of it! If you have the time, please review our service and let us know what you think!




It is important for an email template to be effective. It needs to be written in a way that will convert the reader into a customer. We have picked some email templates that are worth checking out (e.g Happy new year wishes, Congratulations on your PhD defense!, Email Notification For Year End Meeting, Email Invitation For Office Party, Job Resignation Email, College Get-Together Email Invitation, etc).

For more information on email templates, please see About us section of this website.

Do you have any suggestions for us? We would love to hear from you! Contact Us.

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