Apology Email To Customer

  • Post category:Office Email Samples
  • Post comments:0 Comments
  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 16, 2023

Email Template 1 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology

Dear {recipient name},

I am so sorry to bother you – I hope you are well. I have been reading through your reviews of our product and have seen that some of your feedback is not positive. I am sorry to hear that. It would be really helpful if you could provide some more detailed feedback so that we can improve the quality of our service for future customers.

We are committed to providing the best possible experience for our customers, and this is important to us. If it is not working for you, please let us know so that we can make it better!

Sincerely, {sender name}

Email Template 2 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology for inconvenience

Hi {recipient name},

I am so sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. I hope you can give us another chance and contact our customer service team at {customer service email} if any issues continue.

We’re constantly updating our software to make it the best it can be. I’ve passed on your feedback about the download speed with our team and I’m sure they will be able to fix it with an update soon. We really value your input, thank you for letting us know!

Thanks again,

{sender name}

Email Template 3 (Pre-Written Email text)

Subject: Apology to a Customer

Hi {recipient name},

We’re sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing some difficulties. I wanted to reach out and offer my sincere apologies for this.

I hope you’re able to get in touch with us soon so we can resolve the issue. In the meantime, feel free to reach out if there’s anything else we can do for you!

Best regards,

{sender name}


It is important for an email template to be effective. It needs to be written in a way that will convert the reader into a customer. We have picked some email templates that are worth checking out (e.g Happy new year wishes, Congratulations on your PhD defense!, Email Notification For Year End Meeting, Email Invitation For Office Party, Job Resignation Email, College Get-Together Email Invitation, etc).

For more information on email templates, please see About us section of this website.

Do you have any suggestions for us? We would love to hear from you! Contact Us.

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